For my first food-based product, I was required to work with a 4x4 inch box while the rest of the decisions were left up to me. I have always loved mac & cheese, but I never truly valued it until my freshman year of college and that was all I knew how to make. I quickly realized how easy and accessible the food was. With my food item selected, I then selected my demographic audience to cater for - young children, 8–12 and college students. I knew that to target both parts of my audience I needed to be clean but colorful. It had to attract the eye of a child but look compact and clean enough to appeal to college students. There are different sized spiral noodles to make it more fun and create the feeling of noodles bouncing around. The colors were picked from other kinds of pasta. The concept of Fromage as a mac and cheese company is that each box would have the same colors and spacing, but depending on the type of noodles (shells, spirals, etc.) the illustration would change to reflect the pasta you are purchasing.